한국인으로 여기저기 살아보기 (4): 호주 시드니편

[2016년 2월 호주시드니 한인신문 톱뉴스 기사, “로위 연구원 한국계 여성학자 영입”]   필자는 싱가폴경영대학교 정치학과 조교수에서 시드니 로위연구소 이민연구정책실장으로 2016년 1월부터 직장을 옮겼다. 런던에서 싱가폴로 이주한것과 마찬가지로 이것 역시 개인적인 가족이민이었다. 이쯤에서 외국에서 공부를 하고, 외국인과 결혼한 여성박사로서 후배들에 전하고 싶은 말이 있다. 결혼은 선택이고, 하게 되면 반드시 사랑하는 사람과 하되, 본인이 하고싶은 것을 가족의…

한국인으로 여기저기 살아보기(3): 싱가폴편

[2014년 2월 싱가폴을 방문한 Pussy Riot 맴버들과의 간담회 후] 마지막 블로그를 쓴것이 2016년 8월이라 거의 일년만에 후속이야기를 쓰게 되어 스스로 감회가 새롭다. 그동안 많은 일이 있었다. 직장을 옮겼고, 도시도 옮겼다. 오늘은 싱가폴에서 한인이주자로 살아보기에 관해 쓰겠다. 싱가폴엔 2011년 2월부터 2016년 1월까지 살았다. 가족이민으로 남편을 따라갔다. 영국에서 2009년 박사를 마친후 스위스 무급인턴(1,2편 참조)을 거쳐, 싱가폴 가기…

한국인으로 여기저기 살아보기(1): 영국편

[2012년 영국거주당시 Frontline Club에서 북한의 김정일 사망에 대한 기자회견중] 한국을 떠난지 11년차. 이젠 1년에 한두번씩 주로 일때문에 부모님과 형제자매가 있는 고향에 돌아가도 전혀 내집같지 않고, 길거리를 나다녀도 여행자 기분이다. 2015년 외교부 통계에 의하면, 나같이 해외에 거주하는 외국국적동포나 재외동포가 7,185명이라고 하는데, 중국에만 2,586명, 자료를 자세히 보니 조선족을 다 넣어놨고, 자료는 재외동포로 대사관등에 등록한 자들을 모아놓은 것이라…

Aung San Suu Kyi’s challenging task for Myanmar Muslims

This blog is based on the author’s recent fieldtrip to Malaysia and Myanmar on 28 July – 6 August 2016, during which she interviewed officials from UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), Malaysian and Myanmar governments, human rights activists, researchers, Rohingya refugees, asylum seekers and internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Kuala Lumper (KL), Yangon and…

Australia’s asylum policy, time to act before the September Summit in NY

The past week was not good for Australia’s human rights records. Last week, there were reports about child abuses in juvenile detention centres in Northern Territory. This week, the human rights violations and daily attack against refugees and asylum seekers in Nauru cover the news headlines. Australia’s offshore asylum processing centres and human rights abuses…

Australian migration should look to Asia, not Europe

Humans migrate to more secure places for their survival. Migration is one of the most common evolutionary behaviour in the natural world humans belong to. Some people have to look for a safer place to escape from imminent danger. Others do so because they deem there are better chances of short-term and long-term survival in…

Two Faces of Migration

*This is the original version of “High Court detention-centre decision highlights duelling forces in migration,” The Interpreter, 11 February 2016. On 3 February 2016, the Australian High Court ruled its offshore detention centres as lawful institutions. It is a country’s sovereign right to determine how to treat asylum seekers in their territory. The High Court’s…

Australia’s Operation Sovereign Borders

One of the most prominent mass migration issues that dominated the mainstream media in 2015 was the boat people in Australia. Most of them come from Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, Iraq, Iran or Myanmar/Burma where they face violence or persecution. In 2012 -3, more than 18,000 people arrived in Australia through illegal channels by sea, compared…

ISIS recruits from the Asia-Pacific

The biggest threat to national security, involving migrants, is the ISIS’ reach to vulnerable migrant groups to recruit them. ISIS is known to be actively recruiting fighters and families from wider Asia, including Rohingya fleeing Myanmar and seeking asylum in Indonesia and Malaysia, Uighurs in Xinjiang, Tajik migrants in Russia and even migrant Indonesian domestic…

North Korean Kidnapping in Southeast Asia

Among many issues that the United Nations Commission of Inquiry (UN COI) on the human rights situations in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) covered in their 2014 report was the kidnapping of foreign nationals by North Korean spies under the direct order by Kim Jong Il, the father of the current leader Kim…

What is life like for North Koreans in Britain?

Some 700 North Koreans now live in the United Kingdom. So why do they leave South Korea, and what role could they have when the peninsula is unified? By Jiyoung Song   More and more North Koreans are living in Britain, with the number seeing a steep hike between 2006 and 2009, although many North…